Rules, Rates & Contact


  • Title the subject in your email with something that includes "trade" or "bootleg" or "musical".

  • Copy and paste the stuff you want from my list in your email and remember to remove the formatting when you do so.

  • No this-for-that trades even if what you're thinking of offering is one my Wants list; I want to see your whole list. Include it in your initial email.

  • If any of my information is wrong, let me know.

  • If you don't want me to reuse your links, let me know.

  • Do not reuse MY links; I recycle storage space.

  • DO NOT trade me boots ripped from YouTube or other video sites.

  • If I do not reply to your email within 7 days, feel free to send another follow-up email.

  • I reserve the right to turn down trades. I do my best to look for any and all boots that are at least passingly interesting to me so that a trade may succeed, but it sometimes happens that you just don't have anything I want; please accept that gracefully.



  • Trade ratio of 1:1 = 5 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 2:1 = 8 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 3:1 = 12 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 4-5:1 = 16 GBP


  • Trade ratio of 1:1 = 7 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 2:1 = 12 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 3:1 = 18 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 4-5:1 = 24 GBP


  • Trade ratio of 1:1 = 9 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 2:1 = 16 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 3:1 = 24 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 4-5:1 = 32 GBP

2020 onward

  • Trade ratio of 1:1 = 11 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 2:1 = 20 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 3:1 = 30 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 4-5:1 = 40 GBP

Asian productions

  • Trade ratio of 1:1 = 8 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 2:1 = 15 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 3:1 = 22 GBP

  • Trade ratio of 4-5:1 = 39 GBP

  • Sales will be conducted through PayPal (in GBP) to [email protected]

  • Use the 'Sending to a friend or to family' option, so you don't need to provide your personal details such as home address, contact number, and so on.

  • Contact me via Reddit or email first to confirm the exact exchange.
